gptzero logo: AI Detector - the Original AI Checker for ChatGPT & More

gptzero logo: Covered by >100 media outlets, GPTZero is the most advanced AI detector for ChatGPT, GPT-4, Gemini. Check up to 50000 characters for AI plagiarism in seconds.

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AI Detector - the Original AI Checker for ChatGPT & More


What is GPTZero?


GPTZero is the leading AI detector for checking whether a document was written by a large language model such as ChatGPT. GPTZero detects AI on sentence, paragraph, and document level. Our model was trained on a large, diverse corpus of human-written and AI-generated text, with a focus on English prose.


Simply paste in the text you want to check, or upload your file, and we'll return an overall detection for your document, as well as sentence-by-sentence highlighting of sentences where we've detected AI. Unlike other detectors, we help you interpret the results with a description of the result, instead of just returning a number.

What are the main features of GPTZero?


  • Advanced AI Scan: Leverages the latest breakthrough in AI detection research.
  • Plagiarism Checker: Detect content from outside sources.
  • Authorship Verification: Preserve originality and transparency.
  • AI Vocabulary: Identify the most commonly used AI words.

How to use GPTZero?


To get the power of our AI detector for larger texts, or a batch of files, sign up for a free account on our Dashboard. If you want to run the AI detector as your browse, you can download our Chrome Extension, Origin, which allows you to scan the entire page in one click.



We offer three plans: Basic, Essential, and Premium. The Basic plan is free and allows you to scan up to 10,000 words per month. The Essential plan costs $10 per month and allows you to scan up to 150,000 words per month. The Premium plan costs $16 per month and allows you to scan up to 300,000 words per month.

Helpful Tips


  • Use GPTZero to detect AI-generated text in education, certification, hiring and recruitment, social writing platforms, disinformation, and beyond.
  • Create an assessment that cannot be answered by Chat GPT or other AI.
  • Ask students to write about personal experiences and how they relate to the text, or reflect on their learning experience in your class.
  • Assess students based on a live discussion with their peers, and use peer assessment tools.

Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is GPTZero?
  • How do I use GPTZero?
  • What are the limitations of the classifier?
  • Why GPTZero over other detection models?
  • What can I do as an educator to reduce the risk of AI misuse?
  • I'm an educator who has found AI-generated text by my students. What do I do?
  • What data did you train your model on?
  • How do I use and interpret the results from your API?