What is Solvely?
Solvely is an all-in-one AI homework helper that provides step-by-step solutions for all courses, from K12 to Graduate school. It offers a range of features, including a quiz generator, download options, and more.
Features of Solvely
Solvely offers several features that make it an ideal choice for students, including:
Step-by-step explanations
Solvely provides detailed explanations for each problem, helping students understand the concepts and arrive at the answers.
Ask until you understand
With Solvely, students can ask follow-up questions to clarify their doubts and get additional explanations.
Higher accuracy on tough problems
Solvely's AI technology ensures higher accuracy on complex problems, making it a reliable resource for students.
FREE to start
Solvely offers a free version, allowing students to try it out before subscribing to its premium services.
How to use Solvely
Using Solvely is easy and convenient. Students can simply take a picture of their math problem, and Solvely's AI technology will provide a step-by-step solution. Solvely is available on various study platforms, including Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, and more.
Solvely offers a free version, as well as premium services with additional features. The pricing details are available on the Solvely website.
Helpful Tips
Here are some helpful tips for using Solvely:
- Take clear pictures of your math problems to ensure accurate solutions.
- Use Solvely's step-by-step explanations to understand the concepts and arrive at the answers.
- Ask follow-up questions to clarify your doubts and get additional explanations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Solvely accurate?
Yes, Solvely's AI technology ensures higher accuracy on complex problems.
Can I use Solvely for free?
Yes, Solvely offers a free version with limited features. You can try it out before subscribing to its premium services.
Is Solvely available on all study platforms?
Yes, Solvely is available on various study platforms, including Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, and more.
Can I use Solvely for college-level math?
Yes, Solvely is suitable for college-level math and statistics, and has been used by students from top universities worldwide.